WordPress Theme Download

I crave simplicity in everything that I do. Give me 1, 2, maybe 3 steps to complete a task and I am happy. I want clean, modern design, single calls to action, and websites where my millennial brain isn’t totally overwhelmed by images and content. When learning how to do something new, I want to be guided through the process (without being told what to do), but given access to tutorials, step by steps and even examples to help me learn. I want to be in charge and empowered!


Building a web presence is no different. The sea of themes can be overwhelming. How do I choose the right one for me? How do I know that my content, my images will work in this theme? And once I put it together, how do I even know that I did it right? Will it work for my customers?


The answers are, I don’t know. Because I am not a developer, I am not a designer and while I think I could be all of these things – it would take years to learn how to do them! For now, I have to rely on the professionals who know what they are doing. When I communicate my vision, give examples and talk about the experience I want my users to have, I need an expert to tell me that it will work, or why it won’t. If you are committed to choosing a theme for yourself, here are a few things you should know and tips to follow.


Themeforest has over 19k themes to select from. So how do you choose?



  1. Pick a theme from a relevant industry. If you are a restaurant owner, look for themes that have the functionalities you need: hours of operation, a map, a tab for a menu, possibly online reservation functionality or integration ability. Finding themes outside your industry, might result in missing functionality that your customers depend on!
  2. Theme ratings and reviews. Review the ratings and reviews left by other users. Even the amount of downloads can be helpful!
  3. Make sure your new theme is responsive.
  4. Is your new theme Search Engine Optimized ? This is important to making sure your new website can be found!


Still struggling to decide what theme will work best for you? You might need to talk with one of our digital consultants today!


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