Adaptive Website ranks better on Google

Is Google suppressing your search rankings?

A prospective client recently asked this question,

What would it take to adjust our website, so it is automatically sized for a monitor, phone or iPad? We had a marketing person reference some new Google formula that will diminish sites that do not have such mobile friendly features. What is your understanding about this?

It is true that Google has an app and a Mobile-Friendly Test algorithm and based on that score, it will promote it higher (or demote it lower) in the search engine results page (SERP).

Below is the Mobile-Friendly Test page where you can analyze a URL and report if the page is mobile-friendly or not.

Mobile-Friendly Test

Since we like to lead by example, we went ahead and tested and turns out we’re awesome 🙂

If you want an awesome mobile-friendly website that is responsive and adaptive, give us a call.

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